Wednesday, September 25, 2019

I'm No Superman

“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” - Helen Keller
Neurological differences are not mental disabilities, and after everything I've observed this past week in particular, I'm beginning to think people who are neurotypical have no business questioning the mental fitness of others. In all seriousness, one type of neurology isn't inherently better (or worse) than another simply because it's the norm. Just means its associated strengths and, yes, weaknesses are more common, and therefore accepted.
Even (especially) those who do have mental disabilities should not be discouraged from advocating for themselves and others. I'm more humbled and inspired by people who overcome challenges than people who coast on mediocrity. Consider people with physical disabilities. Anne Sullivan was nearly blind but saw more than many sighted individuals. Helen Keller could neither see nor hear, but once Sullivan helped her find a way to communicate, she was relentless in her pursuit of knowledge and her advocacy for others.
Back on the subject of neurological disorders, I'm not comfortable with people referring to them superpowers if only because those same people tend to gloss over the fact that even Superman has his kryptonite. Like, my ADHD might allow me to think outside the box or, more to the point, agonize over linear thinkers who don't even think to question the existence of the box, but physics is my kryptonite. These boxes people force themselves into may not be real, but that table I just ran into very much is.
...I haven't actually run into furniture for quite some time.
Batman had Albert and Lucius. Ironman had Jarvis and Pepper. I have a non-stimulant medication.
(I'm basically Batman is what I'm saying. Minus the bad boy antics and inherited wealth.)
((Really, I'm more like Catwoman.))

As for Greta Thunberg, she's a marvel. People attacking her age, gender, or neurological differences instead of critiquing the content of her ideas only reveal their own shortcomings. I often fall short myself. I used to be outspoken, but I let the same kinds of people attacking Greta wear me down. When I first heard her speak, I thought, "Wow, she sounds like me at her age. In my brain. At 3 AM." I also felt ashamed.
I certainly didn't think her fear was unwarranted considering I shared it decades ago and things have only gotten worse, nor did I suspect George Soros put her up to it. If people question Greta's ability to articulate her thoughts so well, it's only because they can't; rather than confront their own weaknesses, they delude themselves into thinking someone else must be behind her strength. Just like people delude themselves into thinking everything is fine to rationalize their own complacency and laziness.
She's the crazy one, not them. Never them.
In the dark ages, if neurological differences didn't lead to accusations of witchcraft, speaking her mind and challenging authority would have.
What interests me is that anti-vaxxors are among her detractors. They still subscribe to the long debunked scam that vaccines cause autism, yet they are fine with Exxon and other global corporations pumping pollutants into the air and water, and Monsanto and Nestle taking over our food and water supplies. Strange how the people most scared of the New World Order are so often the first line of defense for its closest approximation.
Someone said she had no business complaining because people are starving in Africa. There's people starving everywhere, and some people in Africa are not only fine, they're at the forefront of addressing everything from hunger to renewable energy. That, and the root cause of problems like world hunger and pollution is the same corporate greed. By the way, there's more to Africa than what you see on late night television, and the diverse people of its 54 countries deserve better than being reduced to a scary story for finicky eaters.
To Greta I apologize that people like myself don't share your strength and fortitude, and that other people are threatened by smart girls who dare to speak out, and that in many ways, we're still living in the dark ages.